5 Days Gorilla Trekking

Day 1: Welcome to Rwanda

Our representative shall be at Kigali Airport to pick you up from your flight to transfer to Hotel des Mille Collines. This hotel is famous for featuring in the tragic movie Hotel Rwanda that was based on the true events of the Genocide.

Day 2: kigali city tour

For Kigali city tour will visit different places like:

  • Kandt House was the first colonial governor of Rwanda, on behalf of Germany, until the early 1900s. At present, the Kandt House Museum in Kigali comprises three main parts.
    The first part presents Rwandan life in all its aspects – social, economic, and political – before the colonial period.
    The second part traces the experience of the Rwandan people during the colonial period. Following the Berlin Conference in 1884, the Germans ruled Rwanda until 1916, when the Belgians took over under the League of Nations Mandate after World War I. Richard Kundt’s life and deeds in Rwanda are covered here.
    The third part covers the history of Kigali, before, during and after the colonial era. Kigali was made the capital upon independence in 1962.
  • Camp Belgian monument (Belgium Tomb) is found in Nyarugenge in Kigali Rwanda. The camp is place where the ten Belgian were massacred during the early days of the Rwandan genocide on the 7th of April 1994against the Tutsi, this were working with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda.
  • The Kigali Genocide Memorial is an important place of remembrance and learning about the Genocide against the Tutsi. It is through education that we can prevent mass atrocities from occurring in our communities. A number of educations programmes are run by the memorial, both onsite and in communities across Rwanda
  • A new museum, Campaign Against Genocide Museum, has opened in Kigali at the parliamentary buildings. This museum tells part of the many Rwanda’s sad stories of the yesteryears, of despair, struggling to free a people from the yoke of subjugation, the efforts and the sacrifices that were suffered and written during the time of rescuing the Tutsi from the strangling hands of Interahamwe; the campaign that was started from the parliament buildings and became successful, a “Campaign Against Genocide ” (CAG Museum) was built in the parliamentary compound.

And if time allows will visit vision city, kigali Economic zone etc. ………. Then transfer to Kinigi for relaxing and overnight.

Day 3 Tracking Mountain gorillas and I’byiwacu cultural village

Early morning rise from the lodge, you drive into the park about 30 minutes to the Office. The head ranger of the will divide you into groups based on interest and fitness. From the office your driver/guide will take you as close as possible to the starting point of your tracking. You will track the Gorillas of one of the habituated groups who can tolerate the presence of humans for a brief period every day.

Prepare for an exciting journey along forested slopes, entwined vines, bushes and bamboo before you eventually reach the gorillas. Your guide will point out signs of previous gorilla activity, including dung, nests and chewed bamboo shoots. The time taken to track the gorillas can take as little as half an hour to as much as 8 hours! Once located, you will be allowed a maximum of one hour with the gorillas. Coming face-to-face with a mountain gorilla is a humbling and emotional experience. This is a fantastic and privileged opportunity to get up close and personal with Rwanda’s own ‘Gorillas in the Mist ‘then drive back to the lodge for lunch and visiting iby’iwacu cultural village for Rwandan cultural experience then back to the Lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 4. The Roots of Nyabingi – transfer Rubavu

Wake up early for another exciting day, will drive to Burera to the Roots of Nyabingi heritage center. where will be Offered enthusiastic Pilgrimage experience on traditional beliefs of Rwanda about Nyabingi who was a daughter of King Ndahiro II Cyamatare if time allows will do other activities like bird watching in Rugezi Swamp Afterwards will drive back to the hotel for lunch then, our guide will take you to Rubavu to relax on kivu lake and overnight.

Day 5: Departure

On this day after a relaxed breakfast and Hot water spring Experience you will be transferred by your driver/guide back to Kigali to catch your flight back home. Sadly, this is where you say goodbye to Rwanda.

NYAGA TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY SOLUTION Itd Is a tour operating company with knowledge of RWANDA destinations offering Rwanda cultural tours and safari packages in RWANDA, UGANDA, KENYA, TANZANIA, DR CONGO AND WEST AFRICA.
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